Download this torrent to a path that is 30 characters or fewer long.
In the main folder are the 54 novels that were nominated for the Hugo Best Novel Award from 2014 to 2023.
Winners have a carat after the year *is a winner*, e.g.
2014^ - Ann Leckie - Ancillary Justice ((I (Imperial Radch #1 of 3) [64k 12;39;51 349MB]
In the title above, the bitrate is 64K; the audiobook is 12 hours, 39 minutes and 51 seconds long; and the physical size of the audiobook is 349MB.
The audiobooks are mostly MP3s but there are some MB4s too. For a handful of audiobooks, both formats are provided.
If you don't like MB4a, then search for "HumanMedia Audio Converter". It's free (really!) and super-easy to use. I have no affiliation with HumanMedia.