This might not be the DBZ batch you wanted from me, but it's the one you're getting today.
This is a collection of original Dragon Ball/Z/GT edited FUNi English TV broadcasts, as originally aired on various TV stations in the United States, Australia, and New Zealand, roughly between 1997-2003. In general, I assume you'll already know if you're interested in this or not, but I'll give a relatively brief rundown of the contents:
*Number of episodes of each series contained:*
+ Dragon Ball - 44/153, 1 alternate
+ Dragon Ball Z - 270/276*, 47 alternates, 24 separate NEPs
+ Dragon Ball Z "Ultimate Uncut Edition" - 5/67
+ Dragon Ball GT - 9/64
+ Dragon Ball Z Movies and Specials - 12/13**, 6 alternates
*The first two seasons of the first run of DBZ were heavily edited, thus reducing the total episode count from 291 to 276.
**Of the 15 original movies and specials, only 13 were ever aired on American TV.
The majority of these clips come from Toonami broadcasts, and most contain commercials and Toonami bumps and advertisements. The rest come from TV3 airings of the FUNi dub in New Zealand. A few of the movies and most of GT comes from Nicktoons broadcasts from the Kai era. While most of the edited dubs were released on VHS, several of the episodes contain edited material not seen outside of these TV broadcasts, including the first 13 edited FUNi episodes of Dragon Ball and various NEPs are recaps for DBZ.
This collection is the result of consolidating multiple sources, both public and private, over the past several years, and credits and attribution have been attempted to be traced to all sources. A large number of these sources were poorly organized or burned to DVD ISOs in large batches, and so I took it upon myself to losslessly separate and sort each episode, retaining the highest quality and most complete recordings available. In the event of an episode having multiple sources, I preserved alternate sources if they offered something the primary source did not.
Please see the [attached spreadsheet]( for credits and other information.
This collection is incomplete and I'm sure some there are better quality recordings out there. Hopefully this release encourages others to share what they have.
Thanks to members of the Seed of Might Time Capsule for the majority of these recordings, as well as Tom_Servo, brap/jillvalentine, Arian, and AnimeMomentsResurrected for making certain recordings available.
Z batch coming soon.