Technology Documentary hosted by Bohus Blahut and Shaun Hatton, published by Discovery Channel in 2018 - English narration
All-new series features intrepid hosts Bohus Blahut and Shaun Hatton as they take an epic road trip across North America seeking out vintage technology, with an eye towards profit. VINTAGE TECH HUNTERS features a slew of throwback treasures from the 20th century, including the world's first commercial video game, vintage jukeboxes, and an Apple I computer.
Discovery takes viewers on a nostalgic journey through the history of technology in the original Canadian series VINTAGE TECH HUNTERS. Viewers are invited to join technophile co-hosts Bohus Blahut and Shaun Hatton as they sift through dusty barns, liquidation sales, and back country antique auctions to reveal rare treasures from decades past. Each 30-minute episode follows Hatton and Blahut on their quest to uncover "rare, weird, and nostalgic" tech, pursuing the most valuable items, and working to connect with the right collector to drive sales. Taking a cross-continental road trip from an e-waste recycling facility in Los Angeles all the way to a flea market in rural Nova Scotia, the 14-part series showcases the unique combination of tireless dedication and offbeat sense of humour required to unearth these ultra-rare pop culture collectibles.
Seeking out classic consumer technology and pop culture items, spanning forgotten fads to technology still in use today, this effervescent duo turn up a slew of throwback collectibles, including the world's first talking pinball machine, a Robert the Robot, a Minox B Spy Camera, a Speak 'n Spell toy, and an Apple I computer.
The vibrant duo scours Canada and the U.S., rooting through rickety attics, dusty garages, flea markets, and auctions for rare and nostalgic treasures. From original Nintendo Game Boys and priceless first-edition computers to animatronic toys, the pair aims to uncover rare and nostalgic treasures - because to the right collector, they're worth a fortune.
Produced by Crooked Horse Productions in association with Discovery Canada and Boat Rocker Studios
3) Bohus and Shaun... Talk to Gorgar
Hatton and Blahut take their newest acquisition, the world's first talking pinball machine (nicknamed Gorgar), to Dallas, where they arrange for a much-needed restoration. "Gorgar", the first mass-produced, talking pinball machine, came onto the market in 1979. But the specimen that the "Vintage Tech Hunters" bought in Texas doesn't make a peep. Therefore, a specialist should examine the device. While in Texas on the way to the workshop, Shaun and Bohus stop at an old toy swap meet. There, the retro freaks will get their hands on two robot treasures from the eighties: "Armatron" and "Omnibot". And in a music store, they unearth rare musical instruments, including a 1951 Shure 55S Microphone and a 1960s electronic Zeetar. Before trekking on to their next destination, the hosts find themselves hunting through a massive and crowded liquidation sale, meeting numerous compelling characters in the process.